
Discord among two principal donors, whose divorce exacerbated a sensitive issue of a building named for both of them, presented a challenge for the president and the foundation of a large regional public university. University leaders found themselves at the epicenter of this disagreement and made valiant attempts to bridge the gap between the former spouses, seeking a joint resolution. The rift proved insurmountable, and the President had to make a decision that would honor their past while respecting the discontinuity of their present.

BMCG was engaged by outside counsel to provide strategic guidance to university and foundation leadership in navigating this delicate situation that demanded a judicious response that preserved the donors’ legacy while acknowledging their evolving family dynamics.

Actions / Recommendations:

  • BMCG worked with the leadership team on strategic decision-making regarding assessment of various naming options. Using BMCG’s Fast Framing tool, reputational and legal risks were clearly identified and informed a nuanced solution that struck a delicate balance between honoring the legacy of the donors and accommodating their changing family situation.
  • Developed a variety of communications products tailored to specific stakeholders which included the principal donors, current and prospective donors, trustees, and internal community. Messaging acknowledged the complexity of the situation, the challenging position the institution found itself in, and that the decision was made in the best interest of the university.
  • Recognized the critical importance of, and developed a plan for, the timing and sequencing of communications to stakeholders.
  • Developed messaging and talking points for leaders to prepare them for the hard and detailed questions from stakeholders. These explained the President’s decision, made with foresight and compassion, showcased the university’s commitment to respecting its contributors’ sentiments to the extent possible.


While neither principal donor, or their supporters, were fully satisfied with the decision, by delicately navigating the intersection of emotions, legacy, and practicality, the President resolved the situation, preserving the donors’ legacy while adapting to their changing circumstances. The approach demonstrated the institution’s commitment to various constituencies to do all it can to acknowledge its donors and their desires while maintaining focus on its mission and interests.