This part of the workshop includes a discussion of best practices in combination with 2-3 short exercises that tests reputational risk awareness, understanding of key stakeholder expectations, and the quality and speed of strategic decision-making. During the morning, we cover:

  • The nature of crisis and reputational risk
  • How to respond to reputational, “self-inflicted” crises, not just physical emergencies
  • The differences between emergency and crisis management and how to ensure effective alignment
  • The optimal crisis management team
  • The critical elements of decision-making in a crisis and how it differs from business as usual
  • Understanding the human factor—both on the institution and on oneself
  • Team dynamics including how to avoid groupthink—or worse, bunker mentality—to get the very best from your team
  • Communications strategies, the role of social media and speaking with the press, or not
  • The role of the president and board during a crisis
  • Getting ahead of the issue—understanding the role of context and externalities, including political pressure and unrelated events
  • Culture and management processes necessary to prevent a crisis from occurring in the first place