MITIGATING RISK. NAVIGATING CRISIS. MANAGING CHANGE. BMCG Services OverviewTHE BOOK: Preventing Crises at Your UniversityISSUE BRIEFS: EVALUATING PREPAREDNESS: Reputational Risk Maturity ModelCHALLENGING FINANCES: Preparing for Budget CutsCAMPUS UNREST: Preparing for Protests & Political ActivismACTIVE AGGRESSOR: Mitigate, Respond to, and Mange the Impacts & ConsequencesWHITE PAPERS: CRISIS MANAGEMENT: A Proactive & Strategic Approach to Managing Reputational RiskLEADERSHIP IN CRISIS: A Guide to Preparing for and Preventing Crisis on Your WatchISSUES MANAGEMENT: Beyond Spin—Bridging the Gap Between Stakeholder Expectations & Decision-MakingWORKSHOPS: CRISIS LEADERSHIPBEYOND MEDIA TRAINING: Preparing Your Team to Manage Contentious Interviews & MeetingsABOUT BMCG: Navigating CrisisMitigating RiskManaging ChangeOur TeamCase Studies